
Full stack Spring MVC web application using Java, jQuery, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, AJAX, MySQL, and Spring JDBC

Primary LanguageJava

Fish Tank

Fish Tank is a Java Web App built with Maven and Spring MVC. The frontend is built with Bootstrap. MySQL is used for persistent storage.


From this home screen you can add, edit, delete, or see more information on a fish.

When you click on the fish name link this is the modal that pops up showing more information. To get this info an AJAX request is sent to a REST endpoint getting the fish object.

This modal pops up when clicking on the edit link. This information is retrieved by an AJAX request to a REST endpoint. The returned info is filled in this editable form. Upon clicking the Edit Fish button an AJAX PUT request is sent to the server to update the database.

Utilizing Google Charts I added this bar graph showing the count of each fish type.

Search page works via an AJAX request and SQL queries.