The Cisco UI kit and pattern library is a style guide governing HTML markup at the presentation layer. It contains no javascript components. Instead, it focuses on HTML and CSS and leaves the choice of javascript toolkit up to the individual development teams.
This library is a collaboration between Cisco Brand and Cisco Engineering
Code and documentation copyright 2019 Cisco Systems.
Before you can build the UI Kit you will need to install a few tools.
1. Node - Download the latest (at least 5.11) version for your platform here
2. Git - Download the latest (at least 2.5.x) client here
3. Next install gulp via the node package manager (npm). You may need root access on your box to run this command.
$ npm install --global gulp-cli
NOTE: If you are using Windows 10 make sure to grab gitbash here
4.1 There are several ways to get the source. Create a folder and clone the UI Kit source from Github like this:
$ mkdir cui
$ cd cui
$ git clone .
NOTE: You will want to work on a feature branch (not master!). To create a feature branch called foo
run this:
$ git checkout -b foo origin/master
in your package.json file add this line to the dependencies section:
"cisco-ui": "git+"
or from your command-line run:
npm install git+ --save
in your bower.json file add this line to the dependencies section:
"cisco-ui": ""
From the command-line run:
yarn add git+
NOTE: We use a common naming syntax like this v.{version}-official
$ npm install
$ npm run build