
Guides and bringup information for the Tinkerkit Arduino Braccio

Tinkerkit Braccio

This repository contains guides, advice, and code for using the Tinkerkit Braccio robot arm. The Braccio is a low cost 6 degree of freedom robot manipulator arm made to be used with Arduino.

The target audience of this guide is Cornell ECE students looking to use this robot in projects. Thank you Professor Skovira for lending me this Braccio.

If you have any questions or issues please create an issue on this repository.


Quick Hints

  • Read the notes on alignment before building the arm
  • The kit only contains extra screws for one of the screw sizes. Be carful, don't lose screws
  • The wooden base of the arm does not hold it steady when moving quickly. Clamp the base to a table, or hold onto it

Braccio Arduino Library

The Braccio Arduino Libary can be installed through the Arduino IDE library manager. The source code is on Github.
