
Repo for the tensorflow exam

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT



This is a repo for me to document my journey taking the tensorflow development certification exam!!

I am trying to document everything I do for the exam, including code to help with my learning! I am giving myself 6 months to try and complete the exam as I am starting pretty much from scratch with this exam (I don't have that much experience with tensorflow), so hopefully this will be a good learning resource for other people.

To do the exam I think you need at least a basic knowledge of python and probably data manipulation in python. If you don't have any of these maybe learn a bit about python, pandas and numpy before continuing as this repo won't cover this.

Resources I am using.

I am trying to use a variety of resources for this exam (some are free, some I have paid for):


I hope this repo can help others but this repo is primairly aimed to help my learning. I am a linux user so I am doing everything on linux. I can't answer technical questions on how to install tensorflow etc on mac/windows etc (look on stack overflow for this stuff!!).