
Twitter Cards Meta

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Twitter Cards Meta - Best Twitter Card Plugin for WordPress ===
Contributors: Asif2BD, wpdevteam, onetarek, re_enter_rupok, priyomukul
Donate link: https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM
Tags: Twitter Card, Twitter Meta, Twitter Analytics, Twitter Cards, Meta Tag, Summary Card, Summary Card with Large Image, Twitter SEO, Twitter Meta, Twitter, Player Cards, Add Twitter Meta, Ecommerce Card, Social Meta, Tweet Design, App Card, SEO Meta, Twitter, Player Card, Cards, Twitter Ads
Requires at least: 2.5.0
Tested up to: 5.5.1
Stable tag: 2.9.1
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

The Best Twitter Card Plugin in WordPress. Supports Summary Card with Large Image. Easy & Automated Solution with Preview!

== Description ==

= The Best Twitter Card Plugin for WordPress =

 **[Twitter Cards Meta](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM)** by [WPDeveloper](https://wpdeveloper.net/) is the best Twitter Card plugin for WordPress. Adding Twitter Cards Meta was never this easy. Automated Setting with preview!

 **Feature Includes:**

*   Auto Add Twitter Cards Meta Tags in every single posts/pages.
*   **[New]** Twitter Card Preview!
*   For multi-author blog this plugin could add a extra field in 'Author Bio/Profile' page to add his own Twitter Account.
*   Ability to get Attachment image automatically.
*   **New** Compatible with Yoast SEO & All-in-One SEO plugin.
*   This plugin will get the first used image, even if WordPress attachment image did not work properly.
*   Ability to assign image from custom field, you could just type which custom field have the best image for this purpose.
*   Possible to add Twitter Cards meta tags even in Home Page.
*   You could include a custom Description for Home Page.
*   Though its not a good practice but you could include a default Image, its specially helpful for home page.
*   **Addon supported**
*   **Summary Card with Large Image added as Addon**
*   Photo Card Support Added.
*   Ability to select **'Card Type'** per post basis or site-wide.
*   Meta Box in post panel to select individual post's 'Card Type'.
*   Option to force all posts (old and future posts) to a certain 'Cards Type'. It will override individual post's selection.
*   Now Attached and Featured image both work properly and user have the option to select which type of image he wants.
*   Validate 100% with W3C Markup Validation Service!

[Twitter Cards](https://wpdeveloper.net/free-plugin/twitter-cards-meta/) increase your Twitter visibility & Brand value. And with this plugin you don't have to worry about the markup, per post image selection, description, any thing. This plugin provide automatic setup, for existing and future post. **Automatic approval in Twitter Card Application!**

**Do you know now Twitter provide detailed [Analytics](https://analytics.twitter.com/)? To get the analytics you need 'Twitter Cards Meta'.**

**Twitter Photo Card + Summary Card = [Summary Card with Large Image](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-SCLI) will increase your Twitter interaction!!!**

We are in the final stage of bringing **Player Card & App Card** support for Twitter Cards Meta. [Let us know your thoughts](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Survey)!

Please read Twitter Cards' detail [guideline and terms](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards) before proceed.

**Supported Card Type:**

*   Summary Card
*   **[Summary Card with Large Image](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-SCLI)** (available as Addon)
*   App Card [(coming soon)](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Survey)
*   Player Card [(coming soon)](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Survey)

**[Twitter Cards Meta](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM) [Setup Service](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Setup)!!!**

Let us help, we have team of Avenger! We could help you setup Twitter Cards Meta. We will make your website ready for Twitter Card. You sit back and watch your Twitter grow!

Though there are other possible ways to add Twitter Cards metadata but this plugin is the best and easiest way for Twitter Cards. We have reasons to believe so, we will explain that at the bottom of this page. Check our features first.

> <strong>Contribute in GitHub!!</strong><br>
> We are OpenSource & GPL and available in GitHub. You could also contribute. [Click here](https://github.com/ARCommunications/Twitter-Cards-Meta)!

**Compatible with recent changes by Twitter. Photo Card, Gallery Card & Product Card are now deprecate by Twitter itself.**

**Why Twitter Cards Meta is The Best Solution?**

You could say there are other process like adding codes manually in your theme header, or using famous SEO plugins like "WordPress SEO by Yoast" or other plugin that claim to serve same like this plugin, but why we are the best? Here is our point -

*  All other plugin either need per post configuration or they just cant handle more then one type Card. With **Twitter Card Meta** you could configure **one article post as Summary Card and another image heavy post as Photo Card**, and you don't have to pick image, description etc manually on any of those post. Just install and you will understand the difference.
*  With other plugin you can't change Card type sitewide all together. **Twitter Card Meta** let you do that.
*  This plugin is extendable, we are releasing all new Card type Twitter release as addon, so you never loose your setting, and could adopt your site with any Card type in future.
*   None other solution works perfectly with image. All other plugins only depend on WordPress Attachment. But from our years of experience we have seen image attachment does not work for most of the sites and themes.
*   Other plugin will mostly use your default image as they cant grab image properly, even "WordPress SEO by Yoast" does the same. But please read the Twitter Cards' [guideline and terms](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards) guideline about image. It clearly says 'Do not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages.' So if you end up using default image for most posts, you will probably never get approved in Twitter Cards.
*   This plugin does the markup in right way, and in right position.
*   **New** Only this plugin handles both 'Summary Card' and 'Photo Card' properly.
*   **New** Only this plugin has the option to select Twitter 'Card Type' per post basis, right from post panel.

The main thing is, we had to make this plugin as other solution did not worked for most of our projects. So we have learned from others' limitation, and we come-up with better solution. We have already added Photo Card and will add Player Card support very soon.

**What Others Saying:**

**ABetterUserExperience.com** [saying](http://abetteruserexperience.com/2013/04/drive-social-engagement-for-your-content-by-adding-third-party-meta-data-heres-how/)

"*...Yoast isn't really a fully functional implementation of the Twitter Card standard. To my knowledge, it doesn't take into account, for example, pictures or videos... And the plugin that's best to use it called Twitter Cards Meta by WPdeveloper. The plugin couldn't be easier. Install it and just fill out a few fields and that's it.*"

**WPSolver.com** [saying](http://www.wpsolver.com/twitter-cards-plugins-wordpress/)

"*Twitter Cards Meta: enables summary and photo cards on your site. You will be able to customize your cards� settings. It also works for sites with multiple authors."*

== Installation ==

= Modern Way: =
1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard "Add New Plugin" section.
2. Search For "Twitter Cards Meta".
3. Install, then Activate it.

= Old Way: =
1. Upload the `twitter-cards-meta` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

= How To Enable Twitter Cards: =

1. Activate the Plugin.
2. Follow the easy steps from the plugin Setting page **sidebar**.

You are good to go!

**For more detail guide you should follow [this](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Ins) page.**

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1q3bgKbq_U]

**[Twitter Cards Meta](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM) [Setup Service](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Setup)!!!**
Let us help, we have team of Avenger! We could help you setup Twitter Cards Meta. We will make your website ready for Twitter Card. You sit back and watch your Twitter grow!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does it need any theme customization or anything? =

No, just activate the plugin and follow the steps.

= Image dimension for Summary Card? =

Images larger than 120x120px will be resized and cropped square based on longest dimension. Images smaller than 60x60px will not be shown. (From [Twitter Cards](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards) guideline page).

= What if I am using Yoast SEO or All-in-One SEO or any other SEO plugin? =

We are compatible with any other SEO plugin. To avoid duplication, if you want 'Twitter Cards Meta' to work, just turn off Twitter Card feature in your SEO plugin, and let this plugin handle the Twitter Cards Meta. Otherwise you will get duplicate issue. While SEO plugins are great at what they designed to but check our main description to understand why we are far better solution for **Twitter Card** than any of those SEO plugin.

= Do you have more detail guideline? =

Yes, check [this page](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Ins) for detail guide.

= How can I get Support? =

Use plugin [support button](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/twitter-cards-meta) in WordPress.org extended listing.

= Do you have premium support or setup service? =

Yes, we have team of Avenger! We could help you setup Twitter Cards Meta. We will make your website ready for Twitter Card. You sit back and watch your Twitter grow! Check - [Setup Service](https://wpdeveloper.net/go/TCM-Setup)!!!

More FAQs - [here](https://wpdeveloper.net/free-plugin/twitter-cards-meta/#tab3)

== Screenshots ==

1. Difference between Summary Card & Summary Card with Large Image!
2. Summary Card with Large Image - Live Example.
3. Summary Card - Live Example.
4. Option Page
5. Twitter Preview Tool - Live Example.

== Changelog ==

= 2.9.1 (October 04, 2020) =
* Fixed Image Preview Issue.
* Overall Improvements
* Tested Upto WP 5.5.1

= 2.9.0 (January 16, 2018) =
* Introducing Twitter Card Preview!
* Restructure in progress for version 3.0.

= 2.5.4 (November 16, 2017) =
* Compatible with WordPress 4.9
* Temporary fix for undefined error.

= 2.5.3 (October 3, 2017) =
* [Major Fix] Twitter Description are now far far better handled.
* If Yoast SEO is activated the fall-back to description perfectly works, just make sure you are not using Yoast SEO's Twitter Card feature, otherwise this plugin won't work.
* Compatible with WordPress 4.8.2.

= 2.5.2 (June 8, 2017) =
* Minor Bug Fix
* Compatible with WordPress 4.8

= 2.5.1 (April 09, 2017) =
* Minor Bug Fix
* Validation Error fixed

= 2.5.0 (April 06, 2017) =
* Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)/cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability fixed
* Sanitization done
* Compatible to WordPress 4.7.X

= 2.4.5 (November 21, 2016) =
* Better Description handling with yoast meta description function
* Compatible to WordPress 4.6.1

= 2.4.4 (August 15, 2016) =
* Minor release
* Compatible to WordPress 4.6

= 2.4.3 (June 22, 2016) =
* Minor release
* Compatible to WordPress 4.5.3

= 2.4.2 (April 02, 2016) =
* New Method to extract post description when excerpt does not exist and other process failed.
* Compatible to WordPress 4.5

= 2.4.1 (January 26, 2016) =
* Compatible to WordPress 4.4.1

= 2.4.0 (November 03, 2015) =
* Important update! Technical changes for better addon compatibility.
* Compatible with our upcoming Player Card addons
* Importent Bug Fix

= 2.3.0 (August 21, 2015) =
* Compatible with recent changes by Twitter. Photo Card, Gallery Card & Product Card are now deprecate by Twitter itself.
* Compatible with latest WordPress 4.3.

= 2.2.0 (July 23, 2015) =
* Now all card will get auto approved, we updated our instruction.
* Security update to WordPress 4.2.3

= 2.1.6 (June 23, 2015) =
* Minor update.

= 2.1.5 (June 11, 2015) =
* Minor update.

= 2.1.4 (June 4, 2015) =
* Minor Bug Fix
* Spelling Correction.

= 2.1.3 (May 19, 2015) =
* Gallery Card support enabled
* Card type selection value saving issue solved
* Updates in Addon functions.

= 2.1.2 (May 11, 2015) =
* Bug fix
* Getting ready for new Card type
* Post Edit panel menu issue fixed.

= 2.1.1 (May 07, 2015) =
* Compatible with WordPress 4.2.2
* Security check
* Card Setup Service Added

= 2.1.0 (April 21, 2015) =
* Security check
* Compatible with WordPress 4.2 RC
* 25,000 download offer added
* Updated at GitHub

= 2.0.4 (March 25, 2015) =
* Video tutorial added,
* Bug Fixed
* Create Addon Compatibility with Product Card for WooCommerce.

= 2.0.3 (March 17, 2015) =
* Quick bug fix.

= 2.0.2 (March 16, 2015) =
* Product Card compatible
* Minor Bug fix.

= 2.0.1 (March 11, 2015) =
* Quick bug fix, related to saving card type selection in option page and individual posts.

= 2.0.0 (March 10, 2015) =
* Complete Code Refactor
* Addon Capability Added
* Summary Card with Large Image available as addon
* All big fix
* Better option handle.

= 1.1.7 (February 12, 2015) =
* Minor bug fix, tested upto WordPress 4.2 Beta

= 1.1.6 (January 13, 2015) =
* Now validate 100% with W3C Markup Validation Service. Thanks to the [support ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/w3c-invalid-markup?replies=1) by user [mcpainter02](https://wordpress.org/support/profile/mcpainter02)
* Major update in Twitter Meta markup. **Must Update**

= 1.1.5 (January 12, 2015) =
* Twitter Validation process update
* Plugin restructure starts with this version, extension coming soon with Player Cards & Photo Cards.

= 1.1.4 (January 5, 2015) =
* Twitter Validation Link updated
* Compatible with WordPress 4.1

= 1.1.3 (February 26, 2014) =
* Twitter Validation process updated
* Better Image handeling
* Better "twitter:description" handeling, either from excerpt or auto.
* Solve all bug reported so far.

= 1.1.2 (June 11, 2013) =
* Bug Fix: Thanks to user 't3g' for his [support topic](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/excessive-whitespace-prior-to-description). twitter:description tag has a lot of whitespace before the description text

= 1.1.1 =
* Bug Fix: Thanks to user 'Joshua Goodwin' for his ticket[#1681](http://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1681). The php 'short-open tag' issue has been resolved.
* Screenshots updated
* Minor instruction set update.

= 1.1.0 =
* Enhancement: Photo Card support added
* Enhancement: Ability to use Featured or Attached Image
* Enhancement: Ability to assign Card Type per post basis
* Enhancement: Ability to change site-wide Card Type in just one-click
* Enhancement: Ability To override individual post Card Type selection.

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.9.0 =
** [Major Update] Introducing Preview. Must update.

== Donation ==

Buy the pro addon if you want to support the development.
