
Joint Constraints Not Respected during Trajectory Optimization

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using the psm_fontanelli notebook, I tried to generate an optimal trajectory while setting the joint constraints for joint 1 with a "psm_simplified" model:

from numpy import deg2rad

optimal_trajectory_folder = 'data/optimal_trajectory/'
trajectory_folder = 'data/' + model_name +'/optimal_trajectory/'

base_freq = 0.18
fourier_order = 6

joint_constraints = []
cartesian_constraints = []

if model_name == 'psm_simplified':
    q_dvrk7 = 1.2177*q7 - 1.2177*q6
#     q_mod6 = (4871*q6)/4000 - (4153*q5)/5000
#     q_mod7 = - (4153*q5)/5000 + (4871*q7)/4000
    q_dvrk5 = 1.0186 * q5
    q_mod6 = -0.8306 * q5 + 1.2178 * q6
    q_mod7 = -0.8306 * q5 + 1.2178 * q7
    joint_constraints = [(q1, 0, 1.45, -1.7, 1.7), #old value is -1.45 to 1.45
                         (q2, -0.75, 0.8, -1.7, 1.7),
                         (q_dvrk7, 0.15, 3,-3,3),
                         (q_mod7, -1.5, 1.5,-2,2),
                          (q_mod6, -1.5, 1.5,-2,2)]
    raise Exception("No robot name matches " + model_name)
traj_optimizer = TrajOptimizer(robot_model, fourier_order, base_freq,
                               cartesian_constraints = cartesian_constraints)

however after running the optimization I find that the max and min joint angle 4.6rad. I believe such a large range causes my dvrk to trip as the joint limits are exceeded during the recording of the training data. Hope someone can verify my findings.