Rango Tests for WAD2 and ITECH
These tests are only valid for the Rango app of the Tango with Django Book (https://leanpub.com/tangowithdjango19/) up to Chapter 10. Each test runs view and model tests. If you are in Chapter 6, tests from previous chapters might fail as the structure of templates/views changes as you develop Rango.
- Python 3.6.2
- bcrypt 3.1.4
- cffi 1.11.2
- Django 1.11.7
- olefile 0.44
- Pillow 4.3.0 -> On Windows, pip install might fail so download Pillow wheel from: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
- pycparser 2.18
- pytz 2017.3
- six 1.11.0
To use these tests, download/clone this repository, open a terminal/command prompt, navigate to this repository directory and run:
python run_tests.py -u "Your GitHub repository" -s "student name" -d "YYYY-MM-DD"
without "". Alternatively, you can run each test for each chapter by copying the corresponding chapter's test and, "test_utils.py" and "decorators.py" into the "rango" directory and run (in your app directory):
python manage.py test rango.tests_chapter3
python manage.py test rango.tests_chapter4
python manage.py test rango.tests_chapter10