
Quickly look up and input emoji and/or emoticons/kaomoji on your GNU/Linux desktop via pop-up menu.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Quickly look up and input emoji and/or emoticons/kaomoji on your GNU/Linux desktop via pop-up menu.

(ノ・∀・)ノ 😃

Splatmoji supports skin tone filtering, custom data sets, and includes emoji annotations in all languages supported by Unicode CLDR.



  • Bash (>=4.4)
  • rofi
  • xdotool (for typing your selection in for you)
  • xsel (for putting your selection into the clipboard) (xclipboard also works)
  • jq (if JSON escaping is called for with the argument --escape json)
# sudo apt-get install rofi xdotool xsel || sudo yum install rofi xdotool xsel
git clone https://github.com/cspeterson/splatmoji.git



  ./splatmoji [OPTIONS]... [copy|type] [FILE]...

  Quickly look up and input emoji and/or emoticons/kaomoji on your GNU/Linux
  desktop via pop-up menu.

    -e, --escape [gfm,json,gfm]
        Escape output (this really only affects emoticons). Supports
        github-flavored markdown, json, and reddit-flavored markdown escaping.

    -h, --help
        Print this help output and exit.

    -j, --disable-emoji-db
        Disable the listing of emoji from this application's own database.

    -l, --languages LANG1,LANG2,LANG3
        With emoji from the included database, it is possible to specify
        keyword/annotation languages to include in addition to `en`. `nn`
        for Norwegain, `fr-CA` for Canadian French, etc. In theory this could
        apply to both emoji *and* emoticons, but the emoticons only come in
        English at the moment.  Default: en

    -m, --disable-emoticon-db
        Disable the display of emoticons from this application's own database.

    -p, --print-languages
        Print out available language codes (as defined in BCP47) and exit.

    -s, --skin-tones [light,medium-light,medium,medium-dark,dark]
        Fitzpatrick scale skin tones to display for emoji that can be modified
        by such. If given, emoji containing any other skin tones will be
        omitted from the choice list.

  Positional arguments:
        This application can either place the final selection into the user's
        clipboard (copy), or type it out for the user (type).

        A list of files or directories of files to include in the display
        regardless of the languages. The files must be TSV in the format of:
            <thing-to-display><literal tab>keyword1, keyword2, keyword3

    ./splatmoji copy
    ./splatmoji type

  Data files
    Splatmoji will by default try to combine data files from the following
    locations, when they are available:
        * [FILE]... from the command line's positional arguments.
        * ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/splatmoji/data}
        * ${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/}
        * ${script_dir}/data

    It is also possible to individually disable the included emoji or
    emoticon databases:
        # Use only the included emoticon database. No emoji.
        ./splatmoji --disable-emoji-db
        # Use only the included emoji database. No emoticons.
        ./splatmoji --disable-emoticon-db
        # Use only user-provided files
        ./splatmoji --disable-emoticon-db --disable-emoji-db copy /some/custom/files

You probably would want to bind this to some key combination in your window manager/desktop enviroment.


# This would go into your .config/i3/config to bind to Super+slash
bindsym $mod+slash exec "/path/to/the/script type"


This Gnome.org help page seems to outline how to do this in the popular Gnome desktop environment.


Configuration options can be changed in <project_dir>splatmoji.config or by overriding the in-project config file with ${HOME}/.config/splatmoji/splatmoji.config (recommended).

Example config:

# These are the 3 commands you will need for everything to work
# you can modify these commands as shown below in the respective subsections
xdotool_command=xdotool type
rofi_command=rofi -dmenu -p : -i -monitor -2

Xsel config (copying to clipboard)

You can alter the arguments sent to xsel to change, say, which "selection" your text goes into. By default it will go to the "CLIPBOARD" selection, which is the one you would usually get when doing Ctrl+c/v.

For further options, check the xsel manpage.

# You can also use xclipboard, or (likely) any other clipping tool that you can pipe an echo into to cause selection
# xclipboard example
xsel_command=xclip -selection clipboard

Xdotool config (auto-typing)

You can alter the arguments send to xdotool for typing out your selection.

For options, check the xdotool manpage.

# Example from above
xdotool_command=xdotool type

Ultimately, though, recognize that this tool's type mode relies on xdotool and it can be finnicky on any particular setup, either generally or when typing into particular applications. Tooling around with --delay is usually going to be a good start to fixing that. Just don't forget, there's always the rock-solid copy mode instead.

Rofi config (the pop-up menu)


# These default arguments will pop up the menu over the currently active window
rofi_command=rofi -dmenu -p : -i -monitor -2
# Alternatively, it could pop up in the middle of the current monitor with the prompt 'Search:'
rofi_command=rofi -dmenu -p 'Search:' -i -monitor -1
# Or you could specify a theme
rofi_command=rofi -dmenu -p : -i -monitor -2 -theme /path/to/themefile

For many other options, see the rofi manpage.

Updating emoji/emoticons


I started a separate project (Splatmoji-emojidata) dedicated to maintaining an organized, absolutely complete, and up-to-date set of emoji. It is from there that this project gets its emoji database. There shouldn't be much to update as I'll be in sync with the latest CLDR releases from Unicode, but [the repo itself][Splatmoji-emojidata] has intructions and scripts for updating directly from the source.


I'm planning on creating/maintaining a comprehensive database, and would love it if someone could point me to a well-labeled and machine-readable collection.

The ones here originally came from w33ble/emoticon-data but are no longer being updated, so this is kinda it for now.

Custom Configuration and Custom Emoji/Emoticons

This repo uses emoji from Splatmoji-emojidata, and the emoticons are not currently being updated, but you can use your own files either additionally or as a replacement.

The emoji/emoticons should be stored in tsv like so:

emoji<tab>names keywords etc

And then you can call the utlity with your preferred data files as per Usage above.

Please let me know what better source you wind up using, and maybe the command(s) you use to convert it into the above format, and I'll probably work it into the repo. 🙂


  • Why do some of the emoji come out as multiple characters?
    • These are called ZWJ (zero-width joiner) Sequences. Some combinations of multiple different emoji can be combined in sequence with a special zero-width character as a joiner, and if the platform and application supports it a single meaningful symbol will be displayed. On platforms or applications that don't support it though, no worries; it just displays the seperate emoji in sequence. 🙂
  • Why are my emoticons missing characters when using type mode?
    • Solving this will be between you and how you tune the Xdotool config. A great place to start is with the --delay parameter. If you wind up doing anything clever to solve your problem, let me know and we'll see if we can work it back into this repo! 🙂


Taking pull requests: https://github.com/cspeterson/splatmoji.git


By Christopher Peterson (@cspete)


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.