/****************************************************************** Bones A Lightweight Wordpress Development Theme _______________________________________________________________ HEADS UP!!! Bones & Bones (Responsive Edition) have been merged. _______________________________________________________________ Bones is designed to make the life of developers easier. It's built using HTML5 & has a strong semantic foundation. It was updated recently using some of the HTML5 Boilerplate's recommended markup and setup. It's constantly growing so be sure to check back often if you are a frequent user. I'm always open to contribution. :) Designed by Eddie Machado http://themble.com/bones License: WTFPL License URI: http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/ Are You Serious? Yes. ## Installation: If you are using git to clone the repository do the following: git clone git://github.com/WPsites/bones.git bones git submodule update --init --recursive If you are downloading the zip or tar don't forget to download the wp-less dependency https://github.com/WPsites/wp-less/zipball/master and copy it into the `wp-less` folder and download the lessphp dependency too from https://github.com/leafo/lessphp and copy it into the wp-less/lessc folder. ## Enable .LESS: In functions.php you need to include wp-less.php to compile the stylesheets (feature 6). In library/bones.php you'll need to alter the stylesheet enqueuing to include the .Less file rather than .css The .LESS stylesheets can be found in library/less/ Special Thanks to: Paul Irish & the HTML5 Boilerplate Yoast for some WP functions & optimization ideas Andrew Rogers for code optimization David Dellanave for speed & code optimization and several other developers. :) Submit Bugs & or Fixes: https://github.com/eddiemachado/bones/issues To view Release & Update Notes, read the log.txt file inside the library folder. ********************* Updates from WPsites - Add tinymce style drop down and associated .less file (enable in functions.php) - Add wp-less as a submodule for compiling .less files with less.js or PHP (enable in functions.php) ******************************************************************/ /* v1.25 update */ - updated custom post type page for translation - added => to responsive jquery - cleaned up theme tags (which make NO sense, but are best practice, go figure) - updated html element to match hb5 - fixed echo problem on admin.php - updated normalize (LESS also had some missing styles so I added them) - GetComputedStyle fix for IE (for responsive js) - cleaned up mixins (border radius) - added translations! (Chinese, Spanish) /* v1.2 HUGE update */ - merge responsive version with classic - remove post title from read more link (it's way too long) - removed readme.txt (it was pointless) - organized info for each file called in on the functions page - added custom gravatar call in comments - i'm leaving jQuery to a plugin (that way I'm not providing dated jQuery) - added translation folder - put everything inside stuff so it's easier to be translated - added an identifier in each 404 area so you know what template is showing - remove custom walker. I think that's better left for you guys to do - fixed some spelling errors - added some translation options in the comments file - added role=navigation to footer links - deleted image.php (who really uses that anyway) - added sidebar to search.php - added class to custom post type title - added link to custom meta box - removed selectivizr - updated html elements with new classes for IE - added new mobile meta tags - removed pinned site meta tag for IE9 - merged base.css into style.css for one less call in the header - added styleguide page and styles (oh yea!) - added nav class to both menus - removed "Powered by Wordpress & Bones" from footer, because let's face it: we all delete this anyway. - added button class to submit comment button - removed html5 placeholder fallback (you should be using Gravity Forms) - added slug and rewrite to custom post type for easier urls - renamed the border radius mixins so they were easer to remember - removed duplicate box shadow mixin - deleted the plugins.php file - facebook og:meta can be better handled by a plugin (or Yoast's SEO plugin) - rel=me can also be handled by SEO plugin or another plugin - removed author.php (you can use archive.php or add it yourself)