
This project provides an ILLiad Client Addon to submit a physical item request to an institution's Alma using the Users API.

Primary LanguagePHP

Alma Physical Item Request Addon

This project provides an ILLiad Client Addon to submit a physical item request to an institution's Alma using the Users API.

Addon Architecture

ILLiad client addons use the lua scripting language to embed forms and other functionality in the ILLiad client user interface. This addon creates a form that is prepopulated with the ILLiad Loan request data (e.g. Library, Address). Item identifier fields must be entered on the ILLiad form by the person doing the processing by looking the item up in Alma. Using the Physical Items search is the easiest way, as both the MMS ID and Item ID show up on the record display.

Submitting the form in ILLiad will post the form fields to a PHP application running on a web server. The PHP application will create and post a call to the users/requests API to create the request in the institution's Alma IZ.

Installing the ILLiad Client Addon

General instructions for Installing Addons are here: https://atlas-sys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ILLiadAddons/pages/3149384/Installing+Addons


Copy the AlmaPhysicalRequest folder from this repo to the ILLiad addons folder: C:\program files\illiad\addons


Addon settings are configured in the ILLiad Client Manage Addons form.

Setting Default Type Description
AutoSearch false boolean Determines whether or not the search should be done automatically when the request is opened.
InstitutionCode 01WRLC_IZC string Institution Code for Alma.
regionalURL https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/ string Alma API Regional URL. Sourced from table: https://developers.exlibrisgroup.com/alma/apis/#calling
SubmissionURL https://illiad-apa.wrlc.org/index.php? string URL for website to handle request submissions (see web setup instructions)
UserId IllUserPrimaryId string Alma Primary ID for ILL lending patron in Alma (the patron which will receive all of the requests).
IlliadClientSecret sharedsecretwithwebserver string Credential for posting form to web server; keep this secret.

Web Setup Instructions

Clone this repository to your web server.

   git clone git@github.com:WRLC/Alma_Physical_Addon.git

Navigate to the www/utils directory and copy the example configuration file to config.php. Edit the $izSettings array for the IZs supported for your web server. Also get a random password from some place like passwordsgenerator.net and set ILLIAD_CLIENT_SECRET in config.php to that string; share the credential with your ILLiad clients for the IlliadClientSecret setting.

   cd www/utils
   cp config.php.example config.php
   vi config.php

Configure a named virtual host in your web server to serve up PHP files from the Alma_Physical_Addon/www directory. The resulting URL for that directory is the SubmissionURL setting for the ILLiad client addon.