
A website for the HTML5 Game Development group on Codecademy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

// TODO:

  • Convert 404.html to new design
  • Convert blog.html to new design
  • Fix chat
  • Filter HTML out of chat
  • Fix submit game
  • Filter posts in blog
  • Fix header nav (and implement scrollspy) (Claimed by @Logi0, #13)
  • Make games.html and game.html (Claimed by @Graeme22)
  • Add edit profile page
  • Implement user levels
  • Add badges

HTML5 Game Development Group

This is a website for the Codecademy HTML5 Game Development Group. It will promote the group, host games we create, provide learning resources for HTML5 game development, allow proposals and discussions on new games to create, and more!

The Website

  • Website Name/URL (still needed)
  • Frameworks (more may be added)
  • Layout/Structure (games, ideas, learn, create pages)
    • TODO
  • Design
    • TODO

Current Goals

  • Efficient and secure way of hosting HTML5 games
  • Section for learning HTML5 game development
  • Area to discuss game ideas, vote on them, offer help in building them, etc
  • Developers section to host game frameworks we build

Running the Site

You can visit the live copy of the site at http://html5-games.github.com/. To run on your computer, download the files and open index.html in your favorite browser.