Python client for Omeka-S
Clone repository and navigate to:
git clone
cd pyomeka-s
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy config template to home directory and add credentials:
cp pyomeka-s.json.template ~/pyomeka-s.json
from models import *
Instantiate repository instance, using API endpoint and credentials from ~/pyomeka-s.json
repo = Repository()
Retrieve 5 Items from Repository intsance as generator:
for item in repo.get_items(per_page=5):
>> <Item: #2, "La Princesse du pays de la porcelaine (The Princess from the Land of Porcelain)">
<Item: #2734, "From Life, Christina Spartali">
<Item: #2735, "Charles Lang Freer to Rosalind Birnie Phillip, Dec. 9, 1903">
<Item: #3067, "Frame and register door for slow combustion stove.">
<Item: #3068, "Harmony in Blue and Gold: The Peacock Room">
Get single Item:
item = repo.get_item(3089)
>> <Item: #3089, "Tea bowl">
Get Properties for Item, ignoring internal Omeka-S identifiers, returning list of Value instances:
>> {'dcterms:contributor': [<Value: "Gift of Charles Lang Freer">,
<Value: "Yamanaka and Co.">],
'dcterms:coverage': [<Value: "2">,
<Value: "15">,
<Value: "North">,
<Value: "Edo period">,
<Value: "Japan">,
<Value: "United States">,
<Value: "New York">,
<Value: "New York">],
'dcterms:date': [<Value: "18th-19th century">],
'dcterms:description': [<Value: "Tea bowl">,
<Value: "Freer purchased this Japanese tea bowl from the Ne..">],
'dcterms:format': [<Value: "Stoneware with ash glaze">,
<Value: "Possibly Hagi ware">,
<Value: "HxW: 10.4 x 11.6 cm">],
'dcterms:identifier': [<Value: "F1897.68">],
'dcterms:title': [<Value: "Tea bowl">]}
Get single Property returning list of Value instances:
>> [<Value: "Stoneware with ash glaze">,
<Value: "Possibly Hagi ware">,
<Value: "HxW: 10.4 x 11.6 cm">]
Drilling to a single Value of a Property, can navigate back up through Property and Vocabulary:
# take first value from dcterms:format
val = item.get_property('dcterms:format')[0]
# look at Value content
>> 'Stoneware with ash glaze'
# use .property method to return instance of Property
>> <Property: #9, dcterms:format, "Format">
# use .vocbulary from property instance
>> <Vocabulary: #1, Dublin Core, prefix:dcterms, uri:>
# show all properties from parent Property --> Vocabulary
>> [<Property: #1, dcterms:title, "Title">,
<Property: #2, dcterms:creator, "Creator">,
<Property: #3, dcterms:subject, "Subject">,
<Property: #4, dcterms:description, "Description">,
<Property: #5, dcterms:publisher, "Publisher">,
<Property: #6, dcterms:contributor, "Contributor">,
<Property: #7, dcterms:date, "Date">,
<Property: #8, dcterms:type, "Type">,
<Property: #9, dcterms:format, "Format">,
<Property: #10, dcterms:identifier, "Identifier">,
<Property: #11, dcterms:source, "Source">,
<Property: #12, dcterms:language, "Language">,
<Property: #13, dcterms:relation, "Relation">,
<Property: #14, dcterms:coverage, "Coverage">,
<Property: #15, dcterms:rights, "Rights">,
<Property: #16, dcterms:audience, "Audience">,
<Property: #17, dcterms:alternative, "Alternative Title">,
<Property: #18, dcterms:tableOfContents, "Table Of Contents">,
<Property: #19, dcterms:abstract, "Abstract">,
<Property: #20, dcterms:created, "Date Created">,
<Property: #21, dcterms:valid, "Date Valid">,
<Property: #22, dcterms:available, "Date Available">,
<Property: #23, dcterms:issued, "Date Issued">,
<Property: #24, dcterms:modified, "Date Modified">,
<Property: #25, dcterms:extent, "Extent">]
Add new value for Dublin Core format
to local Item instance (not yet writing to Omeka-S repository):
# add property
item.add_property('dcterms:format','very, very shiny')
# check added
>> [<Value: "Stoneware with ash glaze">,
<Value: "Possibly Hagi ware">,
<Value: "HxW: 10.4 x 11.6 cm">,
<Value: "very, very shiny">]
Now, write to repository:
>> True
To remove a Property value, provide Property instance or qualified term, and value:
# remove property
item.remove_value('dcterms:format','very, very shiny')
# update
>> True
Refresh item from Omeka-S repository:
There is extremely limited versioning occurring as Items are loaded, refreshed, and written to Omeka-S repository.
Load item from repository:
# load item
item = repo.get_item(10421)
# observe versions, noting initial v0
>> {0: {'@context': '',
'@id': '',
'@type': 'o:Item',
'dcterms:coverage': [{'@value': 'pleated',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 14,
'property_label': 'Coverage',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:description': [{'@value': 'This is a test item, nothing more.',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 4,
'property_label': 'Description',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:extent': [{'@value': '75ft.',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 25,
'property_label': 'Extent',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:title': [{'@value': 'Test Item 1',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 1,
'property_label': 'Title',
'type': 'literal'}],
'o:created': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:41:20+00:00'},
'o:id': 10421,
'o:is_public': True,
'o:item_set': [],
'o:media': [],
'o:modified': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:41:20+00:00'},
'o:owner': {'@id': '', 'o:id': 1},
'o:resource_class': None,
'o:resource_template': None,
'o:thumbnail': None}}
If we refresh, the Item is automatically versioned:
>> {0: {'@context': '',
'@id': '',
'@type': 'o:Item',
'dcterms:coverage': [{'@value': 'pleated',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 14,
'property_label': 'Coverage',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:description': [{'@value': 'This is a test item, nothing more.',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 4,
'property_label': 'Description',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:extent': [{'@value': '75ft.',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 25,
'property_label': 'Extent',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:title': [{'@value': 'Test Item 1',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 1,
'property_label': 'Title',
'type': 'literal'}],
'o:created': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:41:20+00:00'},
'o:id': 10421,
'o:is_public': True,
'o:item_set': [],
'o:media': [],
'o:modified': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:41:20+00:00'},
'o:owner': {'@id': '', 'o:id': 1},
'o:resource_class': None,
'o:resource_template': None,
'o:thumbnail': None},
1: {'@context': '',
'@id': '',
'@type': 'o:Item',
'dcterms:coverage': [{'@value': 'pleated',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 14,
'property_label': 'Coverage',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:description': [{'@value': 'This is a test item, nothing more.',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 4,
'property_label': 'Description',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:extent': [{'@value': '75ft.',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 25,
'property_label': 'Extent',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:title': [{'@value': 'Test Item 1',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 1,
'property_label': 'Title',
'type': 'literal'}],
'o:created': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:41:20+00:00'},
'o:id': 10421,
'o:is_public': True,
'o:item_set': [],
'o:media': [],
'o:modified': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:41:20+00:00'},
'o:owner': {'@id': '', 'o:id': 1},
'o:resource_class': None,
'o:resource_template': None,
'o:thumbnail': None}}
If we add a new property dcterms:source
, and remove dcterms:extent
, then .update()
to write to repository, we can observe there is a new version after the update:
item.add_property('dcterms:source','the void')
>> DEBUG:models:writing item v2
# checking versions, where post .update() created v2
>> {0: {...},
1: {...},
2: {'@context': '',
'@id': '',
'@type': 'o:Item',
'dcterms:coverage': [{'@value': 'pleated',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 14,
'property_label': 'Coverage',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:description': [{'@value': 'This is a test item, nothing more.',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 4,
'property_label': 'Description',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:source': [{'@value': 'the void',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 11,
'property_label': 'Source',
'type': 'literal'}],
'dcterms:title': [{'@value': 'Test Item 1',
'is_public': True,
'property_id': 1,
'property_label': 'Title',
'type': 'literal'}],
'o:created': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:41:20+00:00'},
'o:id': 10421,
'o:is_public': True,
'o:item_set': [],
'o:media': [],
'o:modified': {'@type': '',
'@value': '2019-01-18T19:45:32+00:00'},
'o:owner': {'@id': '', 'o:id': 1},
'o:resource_class': None,
'o:resource_template': None,
'o:thumbnail': None}}