Inception Health Platform Challenge

Submission by: Will Sanders

Getting Started

From /app, run:
npm i && npm run init

I've exposed three npm scripts for convenience that can be run from the root of /app:

  • npm run init - bootstraps cloud account, and deploys app infrastructure
  • npm run deploy - deploys app infrastructure
  • npm run destroy - destroys app infrastructure
    All commands execute in the us-east-1 region, by default.


I decided to utilize aws-cdk as the infrastructure as code tool of choice.

In terms of AWS services utilized, I stuck to the Serverless basics, IE: API Gateway(v2), Lambda, and obviously, DynamoDB.

A new directory called infrastructure was added in /app where all infrastructure related things exist.

I've split up infrastructure into two categories, app and database. This is to layer the infrastructure and allow for finer tuned control over infrastructure, such as the deletion of infrastructure that doesn't need to be worried about loss of state. (IE. API Gateway/Lambda/EventBridge Rules vs. DynamoDB)

I exposed two endpoints on the API Gateway.

  • GET /checkins for fetching checkins via the backend function.
  • POST /checkins for manually invoking the checkin function.

A Lambda function for each:

  • app/index.ts --> backend
  • app/index.ts --> checkin

For the automation of Check-ins, I took advantage of an Event Bridge Rule to invoke the CheckIn Lambda every hour.

Finally, there's a DynamoDB table with a Partition Key of "id" - with a BillingMode of OnDemand pricing.

For IAM Role Policies I follow the pattern of least privilege for each service.

