
This data science "kit" was built to help data science teams get started with exploratory data analysis and algorithm development with a product architected with a service or microservice architecture. With such architectures, data is distributed across a number of isolated databases, SQL and non-SQL. This presents a challenge to developing analytics that require complex joins of data across the service databases. This data science toolkit solves this problem by providing programs to dump service databases as JSON row files, and then use those files as a unified Spark SQL data where big-data queries and map/reduce algorithms can be applied.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Spark SQL Data Science Kit


This data science "kit" was built to help data science teams get started with exploratory data analysis and algorithm development with a product architected with a service or microservice architecture. With such architectures, data is distributed across a number of isolated databases, SQL and non-SQL. This presents a challenge to developing analytics that require complex joins of data across the service databases. This data science toolkit solves this problem by providing programs to dump service databases as JSON row files, and then use those files as a unified Spark SQL data where big-data queries and map/reduce algorithms can be applied.

Data Dump Programs

Let's say you have the following service databases: identity, notification, groups, and chat. Also, some of the databases are MySQL and some are Postgres. Use the data dump programs pg2json and my2json to export the data for analysis.

$ ./manage.py pg2json --host=localhost --user=postgres --password=foo identity /disk/data/identity
$ ./manage.py pg2json --host=localhost --user=postgres --password=foo notification /disk/data/notification
$ ./manage.py my2json --host=localhost --user=root --password=foo groups /disk/data/groups
$ ./manage.py my2json --host=localhost --user=root --password=foo chat /disk/data/chat

Joining Data with SparkSQLJob and Spark SQL

The SparkSQLJob class is a utility class for loading the exported JSON data directory created above into a Spark SQL context. The data directory is arranged as <service>/<table>.txt files and registered into the SQL context as <service>_<table>. Partitioned files are supported using the convention <service>/<table>-<partition>.txt.

Here is an example job which joins the data form the identity and notification services to generate a count the number of notifications per user:

from spark_sql_job import SparkSQLJob

class Job(SparkSQLJob):
    app_name = 'Messages per user'
    load_tables = [

    def task(self):
        sql = """
        select     u.id as id,
                   u.username as username,
                   u.email as email,
                   max(datetime_from_timestamp(u.last_login)) as last_login,
                   count(m.id) as message_count
        from       identity_user u
        join       notification_message m on m.user_id = u.id
        group by   u.id, u.username, u.email
        order by   message_count desc

        users_rdd = self.sql_context.sql(sql)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This example is run with the command:

$ ./manage.sh submit examples/messages_per_user.py --output-type=csv --output-path=user_messages.csv /disk/data/

Useful Spark SQL User Defined Functions

Time is stored in databases in various ways. The example above uses the Spark SQL function datetime_from_timestamp to convert time stored in unix timestamp seconds to a Python datetime instance in the Spark RDD result rows. This is not a standard Spark SQL function. It's a user defined function (UDF) added automatically by SparkSQLJob. There are three UDF functions for manipulating time fields registered:

  • datetime_from_isodate: convert ISO date-time strings into a Python datetime instance
  • timestamp_from_isodate: convert ISO date-time strings into UNIX time stamps, which are the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970
  • datetime_from_timestamp: convert UNIX time stamp into a Python datetime instance

Installation Instructions

$ ./manage.sh build_all

Run Example

There is sample data in the data/ directory from a Django database: data/pictorlabs/auth_user.txt. This data was exported from the database using the pg2json command. The auth_user.txt data contains the rows from the auth_user database table in JSON format one row per line. Each line is a JSON hash with the keys the database column names.

The sample run a Spark SQL query on the sample data and outputs a CSV file. Run the sample:

The example user_example.py uses the SparkSQLJob class to generate a Spark SQL context that is pre-loaded with the JSON row data in the data directory. The SparkSQLJob loader uses the directory and file names to register the data into a Spark SQL database. The JSON record file pictorlabs/auth_user.txt is registered as the database table pictorlabs_auth_user.

Run the example using the submit command:

$ ./manage.sh submit examples/user_example.py --output-type=csv --output-path=users.csv data/

After the sample runs, the users.csv contains the sample output.