RT-TEE: Real-time System Availability for Cyber-physical Systems using ARM TrustZone

Jinwen Wang, Ao Li, Haoran Li, Chenyang Lu, and Ning Zhang. "RT-TEE: Real-time System Availability for Cyber-physical Systems using ARM TrustZone." 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), pp. 1573-1573. IEEE Computer Society, 2022.


RT-TEE is migrated on QEMU. The testing environmet is Ubuntu 16.04. Install prerequisite folowing this.

Project Structure

The main RT-TEE codes are distributed in directory structure as follows.

  |-> optee_os
    |-> /core/arch/arm/kernel/RT_TEE_Scheduler.c (customisable hierarchical scheduling)
    |-> /core/arch/arm/pta/pta_xxx (trusted applications, i.e., synthetic pseudo secure sensitive tasks)
    |-> /core/arch/arm/pta/tplt_driver.c (driver debloating)
  |-> driver_sandbox
    |-> walk_gimple.cc (GCC sandboxing plugin)
  |-> optee_examples
    |->/hello_world/host/main.c RT-TEE (Normal World Configurations)

Note: Above struct only shows some files modified by RT-TEE. RT-TEE modified tens of files in optee. Template driver only works on hardware platfrom specified in RT-TEE paper. We only show an example, i.e., barometer prom read through I2C bus driver template. RT-TEE works on multi-cores on Pi3, but single core on QEMU, we will support multi-cores on QEMU in the future.


To setup RT-TEE for the first time, clone the repo and follow next steps. REPO_ROOT is the path of RT-TEE root directory.

  1. Build Toolchain
cd build
make toolchains
  1. Build Project
cd build
make clean
source start_qemu.txt
  1. Build trusted application and configure scheduling parameters.

Please modify the RTTEE_PATH in REPO_ROOT/optee_examples/hello_world/envi_setup.txt to your project root directory path first.

cd REPO_ROOT/optee_client
source ./client_compile.txt
cd build
source ta_build.txt

An example of configuring RT-TEE scheduling parameters is shown in /optee_example/hello_world/host/main.c, including parameter sematics.


  • start qemu
cd build
source start_qemu.txt
  • After VM initialization, start RT-TEE hierarchical scheduling.
mkdir shared && mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio host shared