Project Realtime Digital Point System Tracker

By: WVSU - SPARK Hub and WVSU - Cipher

Project Team

  1. Project Manager
    • Kirk Gamo
  2. Project Supervisor
    • Keane Dalisay
  3. UI/UX Designers
    • Mark Andrei Encanto
    • Joseph Junel Reyes
  4. Front-end Developers
    • Allyn Ralf Ledesma
    • Quincy Macalalag
    • John Chrizper Escorpiso
    • Gabrielle Ann Concepcion
  5. Back-end Developers
    • Rei Ebenezer Duhina
    • Dhominick John Billena
    • Christopher Glenn Bedis

Based on operating system types:


Installation of the needed dependencies

  1. JavaScript Package Manager / Environment (Choose one!)

    • Bun :

      powershell -c "irm|iex"

    • NodeJS : Node Package Manager - Fast Node Manager

      winget install Schniz.fnm # installs (Fast Node Manager)

      fnm env --use-on-cd | Out-String | Invoke-Expression # configure fnm environment

      fnm use --install-if-missing 22 # download and install Node.js

      node -v # should print v22.9.0 # verifies the right Node.js version is in the environment

  2. Vite

    • Node :

    npm install vite@latest

    • Bun :

    bun install vite@latest

  3. Node Version Manager (NVM)

Important :

> A Node Package Manager is important as sooner the project might require some specific version of node for specific modules / packages, comparing the performances of the backend might require comparing version of node to run the backend on if you use `NodeJS`.
  1. Powershell

    • Using a terminal shell will make the process working with the backend more smoothly as it is easier to follow through the commands needed for installing the packages.
  2. Installing the modules

    • Bun:

      bun install or bun i

    • Npm:

      npm install or npm i

Installing PHP

Note: NO Command Here cause I literally destroyed my PC path files creating a script to simplify this process, and yes I destroyed my environment variables using setx and will be reinstalling and yes also my registry! So, don't do it, thanks. :)


Figure 1: Environment Variables for PC

  • Open the Path Variable and copy the C:/php/ and click on the New Button and Paste the Path.
  • Close all cmd windows / powershell windows
  • Open a new command window
  • Type

    php -v


Figure 2: PHP Version

Congrats you've succesfully set-up the project backend!


  • To be made if needed :)


  • Contact Us Directly: @DhominickJ @Christopher-Glenn @Reiebenezer

  • If you use Gentoo / Arch then, don't consult us. Talk to us, we are willing to learn more from you!