
A web application created by Html/Css/JavaScript/Nodejs/Express/Bootstrap etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A chinese restaurant review web application that helps international students to search delicious chinese food in Japan. Users can upload and review their favorite restaurants.

※ Add Your email address and password in 'routes/index.js'(Line: 97, 98, 163, 164) for send the mail of reset password


Updated in 2018/03/16: added more functions

  • Added function of User's profile
  • Added function of dynamic price
  • Added function of reset password by email when users forgot them password

Updated in 2018/03/17: added more functions

  • Added function of displays time dynamically
  • Added footer

This application was created by:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • BootStrap
  • JavaScript(ES5, but I will refactor it by ES6 in the future)
  • Node.js(8.9.4)
  • NPM
  • Express
  • MongoDB ...

Follow the steps below to build and run this web application:
  • Download and install Node.js and NPM
  • Download and install MongoDB
  • Clone/download this repository
  • Install node.js modules
    npm install
  • Get into the NicePoint directory, then run application by command
    node app.js
  • Input the url "http://localhost:8888/" in the web browser