Data Warehouse

NUS CS4221 project which uses TPC-H benchmark to create a web-based data warehouse system.


Follow online instructions for setting up LAPP.

Update environment variables for db_name, user_name and user_pwd in order to connect to database using PHP.

Use bower install to install dependencies.


To improve the cleanliness of the code base and the usefulness of commit history, please use a separate branch for each new feature, and squash all commits in development branch before merging into the master branch.

Note: If changes made by you would significantly affect other people's work, please notify them first and send merge request for review before merging into the master branch.

Sample workflow:

  • 1 . Assume you are in the master branch, create a new branch for development: git checkout -b <development branch name>

  • 2 . You can perform arbitrary number of git commit, git pull, git merge, ... in developemnt branch to test out your feature.

  • 3 . When you are satisfied with current development and ready to merge back to master branch, sync local master branch with remote master branch first, before sync current branch with master:

    • git checkout master
    • git pull origin master
    • git checkout <development branch name>
    • git merge master
  • 4 . Resolve merge conflicts if there are any.

  • 5 . Go back to master branch and Squash git commits to ensure cleaness of git history:

    • git checkout master
    • git merge --squash <development branch name>
  • 6 . Commit: git commit -a -m "<description of the main purpose of development branch>"

  • 7 . Synchronize remote git repo: git push origin master