Set of infrastructure Docker images and Docker compose to create a realtime spark system
The project inscludes following docker containers:
hadoop-docker : a docker container with hadoop/yarn cluster with spark assembly preinstalled.
spark-jobserver-docker : a docker container with spark jobserver which is pointing to the yarn cluster container mentioned above.
Git pull this project.
Run docker compose. It will automatically build the docker images and run docker containers.
docker-compose up -d
Test the spark job server ui using a browser @ http://docker host:18090 and also test the yarn @ http://docker host:8088
Run your first spark job, assuming you have built spark example word count jar file.
Create new application and upload jar
curl --data-binary @job-server-tests/target/scala-2.10/job-server-tests_2.10-0.6.2-SNAPSHOT.jar docker_host:18090/jars/test
Run test application
propmpt$curl -d "input.string = a b c a b see" 'docker_host:18090/jobs?appName=test&classPath=spark.jobserver.WordCountExample'
"status": "STARTED",
"result": {
"jobId": "43f0e14a-96fd-48bf-8d66-f121dcc2c6da",
"context": "b83a8688-spark.jobserver.WordCountExample"
Get test results
prompt$curl docker_host:18090/jobs/43f0e14a-96fd-48bf-8d66-f121dcc2c6da
"duration": "3.526 secs",
"classPath": "spark.jobserver.WordCountExample",
"startTime": "2016-02-27T10:34:57.387Z",
"context": "b83a8688-spark.jobserver.WordCountExample",
"result": {
"b": 2,
"a": 2,
"see": 1,
"c": 1
"status": "FINISHED",
"jobId": "43f0e14a-96fd-48bf-8d66-f121dcc2c6da"