
A complete skeleton to start developing with React-Redux, Webpack, Bootstrap and Sass. Axios connector, Sass architecture and Bootstrap, Webpack and Babel configs, Redux actions, reducers and store architecture, dot-env support, React 16

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quick launch
yarn install (or npm install) : Install all the dependancies from package.json
yarn dev (or npm run dev): launch the project on port 3000.

yarn build (or npm run build) : building the project (output -> dist).

You can use Bootstrap directly after installing dependancies.
You can put your images, fonts and other media stuff into public/assets.
You must add a .env file (example : .env.dev).

Full functionnal components with React hooks is possible.
Layouts are smart, with state, using store and router (represents a page), Components are dumb, just getting props.
You can add a level between them like "Containers" that would be smart Component. As you want.
React Router support : Use the router component and declare your routes. (In App.jsx or index.jsx)

axiosActions for Axios requests.
dataActions for front actions.
(Don't forget to Provide your store in the top level component.)

You have .babelrc and webpack.config.js.
You can use Sass, ES6, HTML5 history path, dotenv and many loaders.

Reset CSS file and explicite architecture.
Don't forget to add your scss file into index.scss .
_file.scss with an underscore are modules and does'nt generate a css file.