Actuall good setup of nixos

Had a setup of nixos was trying it out but was always lacking in how to set it up....

now with some more knowledge made this.

Thank the heavens for Wil T for his youtube series on nixos and flakes without it i would have been very lost.

Programs and services i am using

  • Hyprland
  • Waybar
  • SwayNotificationCenter
  • swww
  • hyprpicker
  • nwg-drawer
  • and many more, but these are the main ones for the desktop

Some images

How to install

The default install of nixos doesn't have flakes enabled so you need to enable it within configuration.nix

sudo nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix # to open the file

then add this line to the file within the {}

nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];

then run

sudo nixos-rebuild switch

Nixos also doesn't have git nor just installed so install it temporarily using nix-shell -p

nix-shell -p git just

then clone this repo

git clone

then cd into the repo

cd nixos-waayway

then run just install will copy config files and compile the flake for both the home-manager and the system

just install

then reboot and you should be good to go