
Decker Sandwiches are not consumable

Shoggg opened this issue · 2 comments

Most of the decker sandwiches I have crafted do not "consume" when clicking "use" This has been the case for the past two updates. They use resources, and look nice in my inventory. I can't eat them however.

You need to unstack decker sandwiches to consume them (as is true of all multi-use foods which is why some people don't like them). If that were not the case, eating one would change the "durability" or uses left for the whole stack...which would be a very unwelcome thing.

What I do is make a big batch of very high-value/high-sat deckers, stick the stack in my main inventory or backpack(1 slot) and keep 1 on my hotbar to consume. Try unstacking one sandwich and eating that. Reopen this issue if that doesn't solve your problem.