
Key-Value store service for Moleculer microservices with built-in memory and Redis adapters, and REST support

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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moleculer-store NPM version

Moleculer Key-Value store, with built-in memory and Redis adapters


$ npm install moleculer-store --save

A usage example

"use strict";

const { serviceMixin, Adapters } = require("moleculer-store");
const { MemoryAdapter } = Adapters;

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

  name: "numbers",
  mixins: [serviceMixin],
  adapter: new MemoryAdapter(),

  .then(async () => {
    const currectCount = await broker.call("numbers.get", { key: "currentCount" });
  .catch((err) => console.log("err", err));


Action REST parameters returns description
get GET /:key key value | undefined finds a value by key, returns undefined if no matching key is found
set POST /:key key, value value sets and returns a value for existing and non-existing keys (think of it as an 'UPSERT' operation)
update PUT /:key key, value key, value sets and returns a value for ONLY existing keys, throws an error if key doesn't exist
delete DELETE /:key key boolean deletes a single entry; returns a true if delete was successful (there is a matching key), otherwise retruns false
exists key boolean checks if a key exists in a map
keys pattern? key [] returns a list of found keys, takes an optional pattern to match keys by (pattern defaults to '*')
values pattern? value [] returns a list of found values, takes an optional pattern to match keys' values by (pattern defaults to '*')
clear DELETE / void clears a map
size number returns size of store
key: string | number;
value: string | number | boolean | object;
pattern: string;

Usage with Redis adapter

const { RedisAdapter } = Adapters;

  adapter: new RedisAdapter(), // same as calling `new RedisAdapter({host: "", port: 6379})`
  mixins: [serviceMixin],
  // .. other options

RedisAdapter takes the same options as the used Node Redis client, for more information, check out Redis client documentation


The project is available under the MIT license.