Lightbend Production Monitoring

This small sample is used to demonstrate some of the features of the Lightbend Production Monitoring offering.

It leverages Akka Distributed Pub Sub to create a cluster of applications. By using the Distributed Pub Sub we are able to demonstrate how the various features of the application work within a cluster.

This application is currently configured to run against the Lightbend Production Suite sandbox. For more information see here:

It consists of 4 applications.



The producer can be run with the command sbt produce. This will cause it to produce requests on a schedule. There are normal requests that come with one frequency and then there are bursts that have a different frequency.


The consumer will consume messages that are created by the Requests. It can be run with the command sbt consume. It consumes messages as fast as it can. There are different message types and it will consume all of them.


This is a variation on the consumer. It can be run with sbt blocking. This will consume messages but for certain message types it will block the thread for a period of time before continuing. This can be used to demonstrate the effect of a blocking operation on things such as mailbox sizes, dispatchers etc.

Blocking Router

A variation on the Blocking version, this version leverages a Router over the blocking Actor. It can be run with sbt blockingRouter


This is another variation on the consumer. It can be run with sbt failing. This will consume messages but a certain percentage of those messages will fail. This can be used to demonstrate how failures show up in the monitoring system, both as metrics and as events.

Lightbend Production Monitoring Features

Distributed MDC logging

The application leverages MDC. It can be used to demonstrate how the MDC is carried across from one application to the next so you can use it to trace the path of a workflow through the system.


It is designed to connect with the Lightbend Monitoring Sandbox. This allows it to expose various actor metrics that can be viewed in Grafana.


In addition to Metrics in Grafana it will also push events such as exceptions into Kibana.