
Primary LanguageJava


Fleetman application simulates the monitoring of a fleet of trucks. The application generates geo positioning data for each truck, stores this data either in memory or in the database (Couchbase), and feeds location data into a convenient map-based web UI where we could see the latest position of each truck, its speed and a current journey. The original source code for this application can be found here: https://github.com/DickChesterwood/k8s-fleetman. I put a blog article describing Fleetman's architecure and migration to Couchbase. It can be found here: https://blog.couchbase.com/refactoring-spring-microservices-application-to-work-with-couchbase/

I made the following changes:

  1. Upgraded the version of Spring Boot 1.5.2 to 2.2.1;
  2. Replaced Mongo persistence storage implementation with Couchbase;
  3. Added speed calculation for the database version of the application;

Fleetman has been tested locally on my Mac with 16GB of RAM and 6 CPU cores configuration.

To run the app locally:

  1. Install and run Apache ActiveMQ.
  2. Install and run Couchbase, configure the bucket, setup the RBAC user with the same name as a bucket and grant it bucket permissions. Add 2 secondary indexes on name and timestamp.

CREATE INDEX ix_name ON test(name);

CREATE INDEX ix_timestamp ON test(timestamp);

  1. Compile Java modules for position tracker, position simulator and api-gateway. Run each of the .jar files produced.
  2. Compile and Run the front-end Angular app with the following command:

npm start

That should bring up the map on localhost:4200 showing each truck's location, last seen time and speed.