- Cloudy Hortonworks Platforms in under 60 minutes
- A set of demos in a small Docker Image with Orchestration for AWS/GCP/Azure deployment from a simple Profile
- Hosting Platform
- You will need an AWS account with rights to deploy machines, assume roles, etc.Please see the Cloudbreak Requirements for creating AWS Roles.
- Docker Deployment
- Everything is included if you use the provided Docker Image for development or deployment
- Local Deployment
- Required: Python3.6Recommended: A Python IDE with inspection and Github support, such as Pycharm
Customise a profile.yml:
curl -sSL http://bit.ly/WhovilleProfile > profile.yml && vi profile.yml
Install / Start a recent version of Docker
Export your profile path and run the Docker Image:
export PROFILE=/path/to/my/profile.yml docker run -ti -v ${PROFILE}:/profile.yml:ro chaffelson/whoville:latest
- Make sure to mount any addition resource volumes specified in your Profile e.g.
'-v /MyDemos/:/MyDemos/'
- If you want to use interactive Deployment please append '-i' to the 'docker run' command, or see the Detailed Guide below
Suggested setup for Interactive Development in a local Python environment.
Detailed Definitions Guide for creating more demos and services.
Troubleshooting guide for known issues.
This software is supplied as-is with no support guarantee under the Apache 2.0 license
Please raise any Issues on Github
You can link to this page from http://bit.ly/HwxQuickstart