
Just an README.md page for my profile. Why are you here? There is nothing to see here..


Total time coded since Mar 28 2022 librepay
I am a dragon programmer. 🧇 🐾

🌸 About Me
I am a 18 years old technology enthusiast from Slovakia, I am interested in electronical devices, automatization, bots, games, art and free & open-source software. I love to experiment with electronics and learn new stuff.
I have my own Git server at git.drgnz.club
📂 Projects
Nothing interesting here... yet.. I mostly delete all my projects.

Project Description Status
waffelo.net My personal website. Active
Minetest server web My minetest server website. Active
Yo Mama Bot Random yo mama joke generator bot for Discord. Abandoned, Broken

🏠 Main computer

  • OS - Gentoo Linux
  • CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (12) @ 3.400GHz
  • RAM - 16GB DDR4 dual-channel
  • Storage - 2x NVME
💻 Laptop
For computing away from home I use Lenovo ThinkPad x200 which is librebooted.!

  • OS - Parabola Linux
  • CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 (2) 2.401GHz
  • RAM - 4GiB DDR3 Dual-channel
  • GPU - Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset
  • HDD - 1TB + 1TB caddy in dock

💭 Social
You can reach out to me trough these links:
I know:

Currently learning:

Interested in: