Waffelo's Following
- adafruitNew york city
- Aliucord
- clragonZerrwelt
- coelacant1Coelacanth Electronics, LLC
- crdroidandroid
- dadav
- DecentralizedAmateurPagingNetwork
- discordSan Francisco, CA
- Duskhorn
- evilsocket@dreadnode
- Friday-Night-Rustin
- FrooxiusYellow Dog Man Studios s.r.o.
- FurRaidDBCzech Republic
- hegerjRed Hat
- hyperdefined@ArdenWolfsky @caninetools
- KenwoodFoxKitsune Scientific
- khoidauminh
- LunaLeTuna
- michaelreeves08
- micropython
- nbsp@LiveKit
- NightcaatUnited States
- NoelwareUnited States of America
- okawo80085Luxoft
- OmegaLeWolf
- Open-Smartwatch
- PiSugar
- pupbrained@pyrohost
- ReVancedUnited States of America
- SnazzahTexas
- spotlightishere
- stampe99@Capit-Studios
- tibbi@SimpleMobileTools
- tpopeBrooklyn, NY
- vyleestudioGermany
- xhyrom@blockadeltd