
Utility class names for react native projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Utility class names for react native projects

Why do I need this?

For faster writing styles in RN projects, you need this. Here is why:

  • Familiar classes: if you know css, you are almost done. Class names are written in such way, you don’t find any headache to remember. Yes there is pattern.
  • Less cognitive load: Ever tired of thinking about new class names, it is for you. it is basically works like inline styles.
  • Flow in coding: Once you get used to with class names, you don’t have to move to other lines of page or jump to other pages.

How can I use this?

Step1 : Import

import React from 'react';
import {View,Text} from 'react-native';
import utilities from 'file path to utilities.js';

Step2 : Load

 <View style={[s.py2, s.border, s.borderBlack, s.row]}>
	<View style={s.flex1}>
		<Text style={s.colorGreyDarkest}>FROM</Text>
		<Text style={[s.colorGreyDarker, s.font24]}>
			{moment(start_date).format('hh:mm a')}
	<View style={s.flex1}>
		<Text style={s.colorGreyDarkest}>TO</Text>
		<Text style={[s.colorGreyDarker, s.font24, s.uppercase]}>
			{moment(end_date).format('hh:mm a')}
const s = StyleSheet.create({