- 1
GeminalJastrow missing testvalue_many
#433 opened by willwheelera - 2
Support batch optimization in linemin
#429 opened by lkwagner - 4
- 3
a problem with 3-body Jastrow factor
#432 opened by wangf44 - 0
ThreeBodyJastrow missing testvalue_many
#435 opened by willwheelera - 1 has no testvalue_many attribute
#365 opened by nirvaank - 0
sample_many should take a dictionary
#430 opened by lkwagner - 1
Defaults for OPTIMIZE recipe
#334 opened by lkwagner - 5
- 2
Attribute error in PeriodicConfigs object
#425 opened by cychow2 - 3
Implement orbital evaluation
#407 opened by willwheelera - 1
distance function dist_i is confusing
#406 opened by willwheelera - 0
Abstract Base Classes for better documentation
#418 opened by willwheelera - 1
Read in single k-point wave functions
#239 opened by lkwagner - 0
Unexpected kpts property generated by RKS() leading to UnboundLocalError in
#409 opened by cychow2 - 0
Conditional wave function package
#408 opened by lkwagner - 1
- 0
compute variance
#404 opened by willwheelera - 1
New timestep algorithm?
#403 opened by lkwagner - 1
Documentation error
#398 opened by lkwagner - 8
- 0
Broken documentation
#379 opened by lkwagner - 2
- 3
Averaging speed when running in parallel
#274 opened by lkwagner - 1
Read in CISD wave functions
#241 opened by lkwagner - 0
- 1
Extra evaluations of aos for updateinternals
#324 opened by lkwagner - 1
Check TBDM conjugates
#337 opened by lkwagner - 2
Questions about Ewald summation
#323 opened by ley61 - 2
Add test for Ewald.energy_separated
#283 opened by willwheelera - 3
Add backflow module
#322 opened by ley61 - 2
Preparing for 0.4.0
#282 opened by lkwagner - 0
Superposition wave function object
#216 opened by lkwagner - 1
Different restart and output files
#246 opened by willwheelera - 0
Parameterized tests
#262 opened by lkwagner - 0
Use pytest fixtures to improve testing speed
#231 opened by lkwagner - 1
Name change for and
#272 opened by lkwagner - 1
Clean up imports and
#277 opened by lkwagner - 3
GPU using cupy
#215 opened by lkwagner - 1
Optimization checks
#254 opened by lkwagner - 1
Slater determinant refactor
#240 opened by lkwagner - 0
testwf inconsistency
#259 opened by lkwagner - 1 : "h2o.hdf5" undefined
#251 opened by sonalij3 - 1
Restore configs on restart
#217 opened by willwheelera - 2
Check into performance for large numbers of parameters -- maybe improve overlap matrix calculation
#219 opened by lkwagner - 0
Fix value() in
#236 opened by lkwagner - 0
cache gradients in vmc and dmc
#229 opened by lkwagner - 0
- 0
Occasional floating point exception in
#223 opened by lkwagner - 0
na=0 causes a crash in default_jastrow.
#203 opened by lkwagner