A sample app to manage Todo list, Add, Delete, Update Todos. The purpose of this project to illustrate the usage of MVVM architecture design pattern that follow the best practices of Object Oriented Design Patterns using the following technology stack.
- Architecture Design Pattern
- Dagger2 (Dependency Injection) / Hilt
- Live Data, MediatorLiveData
- Room Database
- Retrofit
- Repository Pattern
- AndroidX
- NetworkBoundResource, NetworkAndDBBoundResource
- Google News API
- JetPack Libraries
- Currency-Converter-MVVM: Currency converter app developed using Kotlin, MVVM, Hilt, Room, Unit Testing, Corouties.
- News-Android-MVVM-Kotlin-Hilt - New York Times News sample app developed using MVVM, Kotlin, Hilt, Coroutines.
- Todo-App-Kotlin-MVVM-Hilt - Todos app developed using Kotlin,MVVM, Hilt, Network Bound Resources etc.
- Movies-Android-MVVM-RxJava - Movies app developed using Kotlin,MVVM, Koin and RxJava etc.
- Countries-News-Kotlin-MVVM: Countries news devceloped using MVVM, Kotlin, Hilt, NetworkBoundResources, Room DB etc.