
What do you know about me? - You can find your answers in this repo

Hi, I'm Nijat

👨 Personal Stuff:

  • ✅ I'm Flutter Developer 💻, and Self-Learner 🌜 who tends to utilise both the logical and creative part of the brain.

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter Domain Driven Design & DDD Tutorial 📌

  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on OpenSource Projects

  • 💬 Ask me about anything. I'm elated to help

  • 📫 How to reach me nicat.namazzade@gmail.com

  • Fun fact: I cannot think about anything when I'm engaged in coding with flutter 💻, I love singing in the shower 🚿, studying languages 🔮 or simply reading programming 📚 .

🚀 Languages and Tools:

🦸 Find me around the web 🌎

✍️ Articles:

Custom route transition in the latest version of Flutter

Version incompatibility in Flutter http operations

📊 My Github Stats

nijatnamazzade's Github Stats