V# Logo

V# is an open source, object-oriented, type-safe, and elegant programming language. My design goal is to create a language that encapsulates simplicity, speed, and safety. The syntax is derived from a combination of C#, Golang, and more C-style languages.


But Why?

All languages are great in their own respect, but the biggest part of a language for me doesn't come from actual language features, it's the Standard Library and Runtime/VM that the language uses. The reason I've decided to name this language V# is because I want to integrate it into the .NET family, not necessarily directly, but at least running on the .NET Runtime with seamless cross-platform support, and a vast Standard Library that's tried and true with industry standard code. All implemented in an extremely simplistic, lightweight, and easy to learn or use language.

I want to take the word Multi-Paradigm to a new level, and create a language that fully expresses true Multi-Paradigm-ness. While most general purpose languages claim to support multiple paradigms, they often fall short by the fact that they're "XYZ First". Consider C#, a great general purpose language, that technically does support multiple paradigms, but it still stems from an OOP perspective. The closest language I can consider to be truly multi-paradigm in a meaningful way that doesn't compromise readability, is Golang -- Go offers incredibly simplistic syntax, almost JavaScript like (but stripped), and makes the most of it by using simplicity to it's avantage.