Eureka!, How it works?

  • In a simple way the new user for Eureka! should sign up in the first time as normal to create his profile and answer some basic obligatory questions that could include his personal information, his interests, hobbies , times that he normally would be online ,PayPal or bank account to recive money and areas of knowledge that he could accept to receive questions about for free

  • The user will be optionally asked to provide his social media accounts like facebook, linked in & google plus for account verification and to let Eureka! gather more information about your interests, career and experience *The more optional information that user would provide the more profile score he can get, **User profile score affect his rank and his priority in search results for asking users

  • The user account will be also verified through SMS & mail verification, and once the user complete his registration and accept the Terms of Service he will be able to ask any questions and answer questions assigned to his profile according to his area of interests he mentioned also he will be able to surf the public hub for all answered questions in different categories Also, an invitation will be sent to all his friends in other social media websites he attached with his profile to sign up for Eureka!

  • The user will be able to ask any question for free, as a result he will get a list of other online users who would be considered as the best match for the question he has asked and already agreed to receive questions about specific topics sorted by the User profile score & answers quality review in stars