A screensaver for Mac OSX / macOS that plays animated GIFs and APNGs
- a8vam
- ALawliet
- AlexisRiolsQonto
- barbagrigiaSaint Petersburg
- binderclipSingapore
- cybertimDSKWRK
- dsmooreThe Studio of Derek S. Moore
- fandFreelance
- ferkan
- FGRibreau@nobullshitbooks @netwo-io @hook0 @image-charts @killbugtoday @mailpopin / Sold @Redsmin @bringr
- fishkingsinHong Kong
- Flyte27Vancouver, British Columbia
- ginader@Google
- JaisonBrooksEnphase Energy
- javaliker
- kfix@Edgio
- Kurtius
- kventilt:m
- LambeauxCentripetal Networks
- mad01infralium AB
- MoralCodeUnited States
- nathanbirrell@staxio
- NicolinaDreamywww.nicolinasturesson.com
- niepiBerlin Germany
- Olivered
- opragel
- orionp@omnigroup
- paubinsChicago
- pedrocid@ocadotechnology
- saxbophoneBristol, UK
- shamesungShamesung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- supermethodSydney
- TheoLeCalvarIMT-Atlantique
- therealcmjOracle
- unabris@ePages-de
- Velpeau