
this repository contains some examples and scripts, perhaps you can use it when learning nasm

Primary LanguagePython


this repository contains some examples and scripts, perhaps you can use it when learning nasm.

What is nasm?

nasm is a Assembly language compiler.

How to install nasm?

If you are using ubuntu, you can use this code.

sudo apt-get install nasm

Or use origin code to install, this is the offical website.


And you can find offical docs in this website.

Fast Started

To compile a asm file:

Assume we edit a asm file like this:

global _start

section .data
	message: db "hello,world",10

section .text
		mov	rax,1
		mov	rdi,1
		mov	rsi,message
		mov	rdx,13
		mov rax,60
                xor rdi,rdi

And we name it with hello.asm. So, we shoule use this code to compile it.

nasm -f elf64 -o hello.o hello.asm

-f elf64 means we will get a elf64 format file. It can be run in linux-64bit. -o hello.o means the output file name.

In the last procedure, we have got a file named hello.o,it's can't be run now,To run it, we should use ld to link.

ld -o hello hello.o

We get a file named hello !

Run it!


We get a result !


You can see some other example in folder examples