
Demo app to for device permissions.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is demo app to for device permissions.

Getting started

  1. Install some sort of tunnelling service. These instructions assume you are using ngrok: https://ngrok.com/

  2. Begin your tunnelling service to get an https endpoint. For this example ngrok is used. Start an ngrok tunnel with the following command (you'll need the https endpoint for the bot registration):

    ngrok http 3978 --host-header=localhost
  3. Create an app manifest. Navigate to the file, manifest/manifest.json - Change:

    1. <<BASE_URI_DOMAIN>> change to your https endpoint from ngrok excluding the "https://" part
    2. Save the file and zip this file along with both the png icons (located next to it) together to create a manifest.zip file

See it running

  1. Clone the sample and open it in Visual Studio. (Look at similar steps if you are not sure)
  2. Build and run your sample Local Running App
  3. Upload an app package (Zip file created in step 3 above) to Microsoft Teams Install App
  4. Go to Device Permissions Demo Tab.
  5. Click on respective button to test the scenario. You will get prompt to accept permission request. Accept Permissions
  6. You can also try this on Mobile.
    Mobile Demo

[!IMPORTANT] Please take a look at notes section in Device Permissions documentation as not all devices support these permissions.


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