Express Gateway Demo


Make sure you have NodeJS and npm installed on your machine. Clone the project using

git clone

and run:

npm install

Start the server

To start the proxy server, use

npm start

WireMock Setup

To mock your API, we are using here a tool called WireMock.

You can download it from this link.

When downloaded, you need to make sure you have JDK isntalled. If not, please download JDK

Navigate to the folder where you have the .jar file of wiremock and run the following command:

java -jar wiremock-standalone-2.14.0.jar --port 9999 --root-dir "<PROJECT_PATH>\express-gateway-demo\wiremock"

After running this command, it will create two folders inside the specified directory (__files & mappings). mappings should contain Service files with either .json or .java extensions.

Restart WireMock to get the latest changes into the server Using tools like Postman or Restlet, perform a post request to http://localhost:9999/__admin/mappings/reset with an empty body.

You have a fully configured version of WireMock that accepts GET, POST and PUT requests. You're ready to go from here.

To shut the server down, send an empty POST request to http://localhost:9999/__admin/shutdown. For additional information, refer to the API admin documentation here