
Authorization utilities for Vue JS Apps.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Authorization utilities for Vue 2 JS Apps.


$ yarn add @waju/vue-guard


import Permissions from "@waju/vue-gaurd"

Vue.use(Permissions, { router, errorRoute: "/403" });
new Vue({
 //Provide a data or function member of your root component named `permissions` which returns the user's permissions.
 permissions() {
   return this.$store.getters.userPermissions;
 render: h => h(App),
...// other options


To guard a component tree, or say button

//permissions here are the required permissions
<v-guard :permissions="['is-admin', 'can-view-posts']">
 <SomeComponent />

To guard Vue-Router routes

const routes = [
  path: ':id/edit',
  name: 'EditPost',
  meta: { 
    guard: {
      permissions: ['edit-posts', 'manage-posts'],
      all: true

For imperative logic two methods are injected into every component

  • $permitsAny takes an array of permissions and returns true if the user has any of those permissions
  • $permitsAll takes an array of permissions and returns true if the user has all of those permissions.


Please use this library and open issues if you find any bugs, also feel free to submit PR's with fixes, improvements and new features.