
Terraform module that manages Azure network resources like virtual network, bastion, peering, route tables, etc...

Primary LanguageHCL


Build Status


  • Terraform v0.12.23 and above.
  • AzureRm provider version 2.1 and above.

Terraform resources used within the module

Resource Description
data azurerm_resource_group Get the Resource Group, re use it's tags for the sub resources.
data azurerm_subscription Get an ARM subscription used when doing a virtual network peering.
azurerm_virtual_network_peering Manages a virtual network peering.
azurerm_virtual_network Manages Virtual Networks without the subnet block.
azurerm_subnet Manages Subnets.
azurerm_route_table Manages a Route Tables with their routes.
azurerm_subnet_route_table_association Associates a Route Table with a Subnet within a Virtual Network.
azurerm_network_security_group Manages a network security group that contains a list of network security rules.
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association Associates a Network Security Group with a Subnet within a Virtual Network.
azurerm_bastion_host Manages Bastion Host Instances.
azurerm_public_ip Manages Public Ips and Bastion Host Instances Public Ips.
private_endpoint Manages a Private Endpoints.


Name Description
complete Create the following objects : vnet, subnet, azure bastion, route table, network security group, public ip and does the virtual network peering.
sql-private-endpoint Create the following objects : vnet, subnet, Azure SQL server with a dedicated private enpoint.