
Wanchain Command Line Wallet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


How to use Wanchain Command Line Wallet

run in windows x64

run in linux or mac

Install node packages

$ git clone https://github.com/wanchain/Wanchain_Command_Line_Wallet.git
$ cd Wanchain_Command_Line_Wallet 
$ npm install

Select Wanchain network

  • Run geth.exe with network parameter
  • Modify wanchainNet value in config.js

If you want fetch OTAs, please run the following command based on your OS env to Scan OTAs in new terminal first.

run in windows x64

$ cd backend 
$ node wanChainBlockScan.js

run in linux or mac

$ cd backend 
$ node wanChainBlockScan.js

run Wanchain Command Line Wallet in src dir

$ cd src

Executing commands

Run each *.js file as node *.js or node <filename> without .js in command line.

For example,

$ node createKeystore.js
$ node createKeystore

Supports command line input parameters and default input parameter 'Q' or 'q' to exit the process.

List of supported commands

File Purpose Parameters Command
createKeystore.js create new account --password --repeatPass node createKeystore.js --password --repeatPass
send.js send a transaction --address --toaddress --amount --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password node send.js --address --toaddress --amount --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password
sendPrivacy.js send with privacy --address --waddress --PrivacyAmount --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password node sendPrivacy.js --address --waddress --PrivacyAmount --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password
transactionList.js Print transaction list and its details --address --transHash node transactionList.js --address --transHash
fetchMyOTA.js ** fetch account OTA --address --password $ node fetchMyOTA.js --address --password
refundOTAs.js refund OTA --address --OTAaddress --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password node refundOTAs.js --address --OTAaddress --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password
ordinaryBalance.js fetch ordinaray balance info --address node ordinaryBalance.js --address
watchToken.js fetch watch Token balance info --address --tokenAddress node watchToken.js --address --tokenAddress
tokensend.js send a token transaction --address --tokenAddress --toaddress --amount --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password node tokensend.js --address --tokenAddress --toaddress --amount --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password
version.js print Wanchain_Command_Line_Wallet version node version.js
keystorePath.js print Wanchain keystore path node keystorePath.js
tokenBuyStamp.js buy Stamp used in token privacy transaction --address --stampBalance --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password node tokenBuyStamp.js --address --stampBalance --FeeSel --gasLimit --gasPrice --submit --password
tokenSendPrivacy.js send a token privacy transaction --address --contractBalance --waddress --amount --stampOTA --submit --password node tokenSendPrivacy.js --address --contractBalance --waddress --amount --stampOTA --submit --password
fetchTokenOTA.js fetch token privacy OTAs --address --password node fetchTokenOTA.js --address --password
TokenTransactionList.js list Token privacy Transactions send from me --address node TokenTransactionList.js --address
watchTokenOTA.js fetch My OTA Balance from Token address and OTA address --address --tokenAddress --OTAAddress node watchTokenOTA.js --address --tokenAddress --OTAAddress

new Scan Block Command is backend/wanChainBlockScan.js

** run cd backend && node wanChainBlockScan.js in new terminal first

some test Command in test directory is helpful to test: initPrivacyAsset.js give you a OTA Balance with 5000 wan deployContract.js deploy a new contract