
A clone of a popular website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Makers BnB - Team Toad

A clone of a popular and unnamed space sharing app.

Tech Used

built with:

Ruby backend (tested with rspec, capybara)




User sign up with password encryption.

User can list a "space" with description and images.

Web app will allow login and logout of users.

Web app will allow a User to book a space for a specific date.

If a space is booked it will not be displayed on the website.


Clone repo git@github.com:Walker-TW/AirBnb.git

Run bundle

Create Databases (see db/migrations for SQL instructions)



Ben Gittins AKA squareben1

Ria Patel AKA notriapatel

Tom Walker AKA Walker-TW

Katie Rodgers AKA junolouise

User Stories

As a User
So I can use Makers BnB securely
I would like to be able to sign up for an account

As a User

So that I can rent out my space

I would like to be able to list a space

As a User
So that I can rent multiple properties (£££)
I would like to be able to list multiple spaces

As a User

So that i can give an accurate representation of my space

I would like to be able to list the space with a name, short description and price per night (ppN)

As a User
So i can avoid double booking
I would like to list my space with dates of availability

As a User

So that I don't double book my accomodation

Unavailable dates should not be listed as available

As a User
So that I have a place to sleep
I would like to request to rent a space from its owner

As a User

So that I can manage my bookings

I would like to approve/reject each application to rent

As a User
So that I can ensure my property is rented out
I would like for it to remain available until the booking has been confirmed