Library for connecting to a MOS device using the MOS Protocol.
This is a part of the Sofie TV News Studio Automation System.
import { MosConnection } from 'mos-connection'
let mos = new MosConnection(new ConnectionConfig({
mosID: 'my.mos.application',
acceptsConnections: true,
profiles: {
'0': true,
'1': true,
'2': true,
'4': true
openRelay: true
debug: false
mos.onConnection((device: MosDevice) => { // called whenever there is a new connection to a mos-device
if (device.hasConnection) { // true if we can send messages to the mos-server
device.getMachineInfo().then((lm) => {
console.log('Machineinfo', lm)
// Setup callbacks to pipe data:
device.onGetMachineInfo(() => {})
device.onCreateRunningOrder((ro) => {})
device.onDeleteRunningOrder((RunningOrderID: MosString128) => {})
device.onReadyToAir(() => {})
// ...
Working in dev environment
- Implemented
- Implemented
- Implemented
- Started
- Implemented
- Not started
- Not started
- Started