
WalletChat Widget / Chat Bubble Demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WalletChat Widget Demo

Live version at: https://marketplacedemo.walletchat.fun/NFTMarketPlace

Youtube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlqW3zGNsto

(click > to play gif)

Who is this for

  • You are a web3 web app that wishes to integrate messaging functionality
  • Replace current user-to-user or user-to-app messaging workflow which happens inside discord / telegram
  • Provide a much better UX that links directly to the user's wallet, which they are already using to interact with your dapp
  • Provide a much more secure experience than having to share one's wallet id inside discord or clicking external links
  • Enable users to communicate without leaving your web app (increasing engagement & time spent within the app)
  • Differentiate yourself from competition still stuck in the web 2.5 world


  • Support token-gated group messaging (available in our web app)
  • Enhanced spam filtering, conditional messaging permissions
  • User-to-dapp support helpdesk, dapp-to-user announcements
  • User analytics dashboard
  • Optional message notifications inside email / telegram
  • ...and much more

Talk to us to discuss the details of this and your requirements!

Custom Integration Steps

  1. Install NPM package "react-wallet-chat-v0"

yarn add react-wallet-chat-v0 if using yarn instead of npm

  1. On any page you wish to have the chat widget active, import:

import {WalletChatWidget} from 'react-wallet-chat-v0'

import 'react-wallet-chat-v0/dist/index.css'

And include in your page source:

<WalletChatWidget />

Custom Endpoints for our Customers

If we have provided a custom web app for you, it can be specified with the local .env variable:


Chat With Owner

To implement a "Chat With Owner" type feature as demonstrated at https://marketplacedemo.walletchat.fun/NFTMarketPlace :

  1. Ensure your NPM package is up to date (yarn upgrade react-wallet-chat-v0)
  2. Declare the functions:
const [widgetState, setWidgetState] = useState({})
  1. Set the address with setOwnerAddr() and widget open status with setIsWidgetOpen() upon your desired event, for example:
<Tooltip title="Chat With Owner">
    onClick={() => {
          chatAddr: '0x17FA0A61bf1719D12C08c61F211A063a58267A19',
          isOpen: true
  1. Include the WalletChat Widget with parameters:

<WalletChatWidget widgetState={widgetState}/>

We're looking forward to working with you!

Feel free to reach out to contact@walletchat.fun for any help, or on Twitter https://twitter.com/wallet_chat

Enquire for our API documentation.

Developed with ❤ by https://www.walletchat.fun/