Visual mod for KSRSS

Primary LanguageC#


Visual mod for KSRSS.

License : CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 International

Include modified files from Spectra, licensed MIT, by Avera9eJoe and files from RSSVE, licensed CC-BY-NC-SA, by PhineasFreak.

The files par_snow.dds and par_dust_mars in KSRSSVE/Textures/particle and dust_mars.dds in KSRSSVE/Textures come from Sci-Fi Visual Enchancements.

The texture snow.dds in KSRSSVE/Textures/ comes from Graphics Enhancements Assembly.

The sunflare used in this mod is from here. All credits go to Thomassino for this wonderful sunflare.

The textures used to make the geysers and the rgb3.dds come from the AVP mod. All credist go to themaster01 and Astronomer.

Need :

Scatterer : https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip151-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v00336-08112018/

EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements : https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149733-14-13-122-environmentalvisualenhancements-140-1/

Install :

Installez scatterer : https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases

Installez Environmental Visual Enhancement : https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases

Installez KSRSSVE : https://github.com/KerbalFrench/KSRSSVE/releases