
Chrome extension to "like" code segments on GitHub

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Open source community promotes the collaboration between programmers around the world and therefore increases efficiency. For example on the GitHub, a user can "like" a repository by clicking the "star" button on the repository home page, yet a feature to "like" a certain part of the program is missing (eg: certain lines of a cpp file that achieves recursion that catch your attention).

Therefore, this project extends the idea of code sharing by enabling the user to like a selected segment of the program and displayed the numbers of likes as heat map next to each line. Furthermore, the state-of-the-art project adds a sharing feature that could relay like messages to social media, like Twitter, and will contribute to the development of the open source community.



Heat Map Mathematical Model

Convert number of likes to height of heat map using linear interpolation and moving average

Linear Interpolation


where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are index and height of two adjacent integer points.

Moving Average


Normalize the vector,
