
Implementation of some well-known algorithms

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Algorithms and data structure

Implementation of some well-known algorithms and data structures.

Inside the folders there are some implementations of the following algorithms:

  • Graphs

    • Breadth first search
    • Depth first search
    • Dijkstra
    • Topological sort
    • Two coloring
    • Cycle detection
  • Matrices

    • Matrix multiplication
    • Matrix chain multiplication
  • Sorting

    • Bubble sort
    • Insertion sort
    • Selection sort
    • Quicks sort
    • Heap sort
    • Counting sort
  • Trees

    • Binary search tree
    • Red-black tree
  • Strings

    • Suffix tree
    • Suffix array
    • Pattern matching
    • Counting pattern repetitions
    • Longest repeating factor
    • Longest suffix prefix

Some comments:

  • For some algorithms on graphs an adjacency list representation is implemented, for some others an adjacency matrix representation
  • Naïve, divide-et-conquera and Strassen's algorithms are implemented for matrix multiplication
  • Naïve and dynamic programming solutions are implemented for chain matrix multiplication
  • Insertion and deletion of a node, search of the maximum, minimum and of an arbitrary value are implemented for the tree data structures
  • Naïve and Knuth-Morris algorithms are implemented for pattern matching
  • The suffix tree is built using both brutal construction and McCreight`s algorithm