
Docker images for GitLab CI's jobs

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Build Status


The repository provides a complete set of build tools for web developers. These images MUST NOT be used in production. The targeted usage of those images is GitlabCI.


Please review the CHANGELOG.md file for versions per tag.


Each box is tested and built using TravisCI.

CI workflow:

  • PR: only images with modified files are built.
  • Merge to master: only images with modified files are built and pushed to the docker registry with the tag latest-IMAGE
  • TAG: all images are built and pushed to the docker registry
  • Nightly: all images are built and pushed to the docker registry with the tag nightly-IMAGE

Local testing

To contribute you will need python3.6 and pipenv (installed by pip install pipenv).

  • Clone the repo
  • Create your pipenv environnement

    pipenv install

  • Load your pipenv

    pipenv shell

  • Run the script

    python travis.py build --image image --version version

$ python travis.py build --help
Usage: travis.py build [OPTIONS]

  --image TEXT    image to build
  --version TEXT  image version
  -d, --debug     debug
  --help          Show this message and exit.
$ python travis.py build --image java --version 11
> Building: ekino/docker-buildbox:latest-java11
Build succesfull
> Testing ekino/docker-buildbox:latest-java11
Tests successful

Adding your image to the build box

Create a directory named after your image and corresponding Dockerfile in it. Then add an entry in config.yml according to this schema:

    cmd_test: [...]  # shell commands run to be sure tools are well installed
    build_args: [...]  # If ARG are defined in Dockerfile
    template_vars: [...]  # If templated Dockerfile
    dockerfile_dir: /path/to/dockerfile  # If Dockerfile's path is not ./<image_name>/Dockerfile

Make sure the image_name in the config file entry matches your directory.

Do not forget to add an entry in .travis.yml too following other image scheme.

Available images


Contains Ansible, CI Helper and Python 2.7


Contains Arachni + CI Helper

To run the web UI:

docker run -d -p 9292:9292 ekino/docker-buildbox:latest-arachni1.5 arachni_web -o

Then go to http://localhost:9292


Contains AWS Cli + AWS EB Cli + CI Helper + jq

AWSLinux systemd

Amazon Linux based image containing Systemd for service management in docker container.


Adds AWS Cli & CI Helper to GitLab's dind image (to run docker in a GitLab runner).

Use case:

# .gitlab-ci.yml
  image: ekino/docker-buildbox:latest-dind-aws
    - ekino/docker-buildbox:latest-dind-aws
    DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
    DOCKER_HOST:   "tcp://ekino__docker-buildbox:2375"
    - docker ...


Based upon official Golang image, contains glide, gin, AWS Cli and CI Helper.


Contains AWS Cli, CI Helper, Maven, Graphviz, jq and Java. Please note that for Java 6, the image doesn't contain CI Helper, Modd, Graphviz, jq and AWS Cli.


Contains kubectl, kubens, kubectx, kube-score.


Contains node (installed in the NODE_VERSION env var value), CI Helper and AWS Cli.


Contains PHP (installed from official alpine in the PHP_VERSION env var value) within Blackfire, Composer, PHP CS Fixer, Security Checker, AWS Cli and CI Helper.

About Blackfire, please read the official documentation to install the agent https://blackfire.io/docs/integrations/docker, then you should be able to profile a PHP script like this:

docker exec -it -e BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_ID -e BLACKFIRE_CLIENT_TOKEN my-php-container blackfire run bin/console app:foo:bar

Platform.sh CLI

Based on python 3.6 alpine image, contains php7 and platform.sh CLI.

React Native Android

Contains Java 8, Gradle, Android SDK, Node 7.10 and React Native Cli


Contains Ruby (installed from official alpine) and CI Helper.


Contains ScoutSuite cloud scanner


Contains node Serverless module with python3.

SonarQube Scanner

Contains SonarQube Scanner and CI Helper