PHP lib for Tezos
composer require bzzhh/pezos
Handles Secp256k1 and Ed25519 keys.
$key = Pezos\Keys\Key::fromBase58(
// "edpkvCdu6RSSe379P2ACo8rGoqNRzQRRwNmHfj1dBr4DnSTKwCNxi5"
// "tz1PAeuxsMA76x5cnKPkWKof2iGneN3Mb1eQ"
$pubKey = Pezos\Keys\PubKey::fromBase58(
// "tz1PAeuxsMA76x5cnKPkWKof2iGneN3Mb1eQ"
// edsigtxHb4HCsgf3zLLcTx4Rj23Y3CSJf8jaRXwoVHZJgSsMhzFoxKtinx2TT5FgYKprLVQ9nq8o93MCpmxaTuRB7igT9b6nZyf
// true
RPC clients generated with jane are available.
The open api files are taken from the official Tezos repo.
enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the config/bundles.php
file of your project:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Bzzhh\Pezos\Bridge\Symfony\BzzhhPezosBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Configure your host:
# config/packages/bzzhh_pezos.yaml
- Launch services with
make up
- If possible do TDD,
make test
Thanks to these libraries from which code is just translated to PHP.