Work in

CSC645 Fall 2020 Computer Networks

Welcome to Computer Networks!. Please modify this README file with the following info:

  1. Your name, and student id here

    Name: Wameedh Mohammed Ali

    Student ID: 920678405

  2. Update this table of assignments. Set to done after one of the assignments is completed:

Assignment C/NC
Lab 0 completed
Lab 1 completed
Lab 2 completed
Lab 3 completed
Lab 4 completed
Lab 5 completed
Lab 6 completed
Lab 7 completed
Lab 8 completed
Lab 9 not completed
TCP Client/Server Network completed
P2P Decentralized Network not completed
Routing Protocol (EC) not completed

If a lab, project or EC is not set to complete at grading time, it won't be graded. The first thing I do when grading assignments is to check the above table.

Please read carefully all the projects, labs, and extracredit assignments guidelines described in this README file. Failure to follow them, may affect negatively your grade.

General Labs Guidelines:

  • In this class students will implement ten programming labs.

  • Programming labs will help you to understand concepts related to computer networks that are needed in the implementation of your projects in this class.

  • Read carefully both, the README files related to labs, and documentation inside .py files.

  • Labs are individual work. However, group work is encouraged to help other students. In addition, the instructor will help if a students are stuck in a problem or they have questions.

  • Late submissions will be penalized with 10 points in the final grade of this lab. Once the lab is due, late submissions policies will apply for only one week. Labs submitted one week after their original due date won't be accepted.

  • Labs are graded based on their completeness and correctness.

  • Each lab has its own README file with specific instructions. Read them carefully

  • Failure to follow the labs rules may affect negatively your grade.

General Projects Guidelines.

  • In this class students will implement two programming projects; TCP Client-Server and P2P Decentralized Networks.

  • Projects are individual work. However, group work is encouraged to help other students.

  • Project's deadlines will be informed by the instructor in class, by email, slack and posted on iLearn.

  • Late submissions will be penalized with 20 points in the final grade of this project. Once the project is due, late submissions policies will apply for only one week. Projects submitted one week after their original due date won't be accepted.

  • Projects in this class apply strong OOP design. So, make sure that you are familiar with the general programing concepts of abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

  • Students must provide complete documentation for each project (README or PDF file, and code commented)

  • Failure to provide docs will affect negatively your grade

General Extra-Credit Projects Guidelines.

  • In this class students will implement one extra-credit assignment; Routing Protocol

  • Extra-credit project is 5% worth that will be added to your final grade.

  • Extra-credit projects are all or nothing. No partial credit will be given. So, make sure that you understand the required project specifications before starting its implementation